Enrollment Closed

A year of masterful insights

The Aether element, also known as Akasha, is the most subtle element of the Pancha Maha-Bhutas. This element is the essence of emptiness or voidness and the space provided by it is filled by the other 4 elements; Earth, Water, Fire and Air. In Buddhism the term emptiness is used to describe the nature of all things. This idea is present in many wisdom traditions such as the non-action concept in Taoism known as wu-wei, and the Japanese Zen Koan Mu which literally means no, but implying nothingness. Properly understood things neither exist (since they vanish) nor don’t exist (since they occur) rather they are simply empty. 

In Yoga we can touch into this element through contemplation of oneness and the eternal vastness of the great ocean of consciousness. 

These concepts are difficult to grasp and need time of earnest exploration in order to be realised.

Beginning March 21st 2024

A year long journey into the 5th Element of Aether for Advanced Practitioners or Graduates of the Yoga Heart Mind YTT.

  • Monthly 1 x 2.5 hr & 1 x 1.5 hr Live Online Sessions for 12 months

  • Be part of an Interactive Online Community

  • Teacher & Practitioner Mentorship

We would love to have you join us on this year long exploration of Aether, if you would like more information or have any questions please reach out below.