Course curriculum

Module 1 EARTH

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    Module 1 - Earth

    • Workbook

    • Week 1 - Equinox

    • Week 1 - Talk / Practice with Jo - Start by Stopping

    • Week 2 - Practice with Jo / Talk - Detox and Discernment

    • Week 3 - Talk / Practice with Stu - Accountability, Perseverance and Slowing Down

    • Week 4 - Practice with Stu / Talk - Begin Again

    • Home Practice week 4

    • Anatomy Session 1 (re-record) with Cam

    • Week 5 - Talk / Posture Lab TADASANA with Cam / Practice with Jo / Grounding, not ASS-U-ME-ing

    • Posture Lab Week 5 - Mountain Pose (TADSANA)

    • Week 6 ~ Practice with Jo/ Talk - Balancing knowing and not knowing

    • Week 7 - Talk - PANCHA KOSHAS / 5 Koshas Practice with Stu

    • Week 7 - 5 Koshas from the Taittiriya Upanishad

    • Mountain Pose (TADASANA) - Sources - BKS Iyengar (Original) / 3 Diaphragms / Pelvis as a bowl / Yoga Myths

    • Week 8 - The three gunas ~ Article by Rolf Solvik

    • Mountain Pose (TADASANA) teach sheet

    • Week 8 recording - Yin Yang and the 3 Gunas

    • Anatomy and Physiology with Cam session 2

    • Week 9 - Posture Lab. -Sphinx and Crescent Moon - Q & A

    • Crescent Moon (ANJYEASANA) - Science of Yoga/30 Essential Yoga Poses

    • The Knee Joint - Yoga Myths

    • Week 9 - CINDY SANSKRIT 1

    • Week 10 - Post lineage teaching - yin yoga and restorative practice

    • Yin Yoga

    • Week 11 - The Wind Through the Instrument

    • Essential Actions in Yoga Practice - 'Yoga The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness - Erich Schiffmann'

    • Week 12 - Talk - Planting the seeds of Intention - Practice grounding and intention setting with Jo

    • One-on-one with Jo

    • One-on-one with Stu

    • Week 21 practice

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    Module 2 - Water

    • Water Workbook

    • week 13 recording - My Watery Nature

    • Anatomy and Physiology Session 3 with Cam

    • Week 14 recording ~ Solstice, flow state, foundations of mindfulness and posture lab

    • Meditation Techniques

    • Foundations of Mindfulness ~ Dharma Moon

    • How to Actually Meditate ~ Dharma Moon

    • Week 17 ~ Inner Rivers and Psychic Knots

    • Week 18 Recording ~ Pancha Kleshas

    • Week 19 ~ Bandhas

    • Working with your Mind ~ Dharma Moon

    • The Source of our Suffering, Confusion, Anxiety and Stress ~ Dharma Moon

    • Week 20 Handout Sanskrit

    • Week 20 Sanskrit Alphabet - Audio

    • Week 20 ~ Emotions and Vipassana Meditation and practice

    • Peace Chant Audio + PDF

    • Anatomy and Physiology with Cam session #5 - hips

    • Awareness ~ Dharma Moon

    • Week 21 ~ Posture lab on pigeon ~ Kundalini

    • Week 21 practice with Stu - Kundalini

    • Week 22 - Yamas and Niyamas

    • Week 23 - 8 limbs continued

    • WEEK 24 ~ Flow State with Cam Norsworthy

    • Week 24 - Anatomy with Cam Session 6 - Shoulders

    • Week 25 ~ Posture lab - Down dog/plank/chaturanga and shoulders - SEVA

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    Online Retreat Immersion

    • Session 1 - Heart of the Middle Path Retreat

    • Session 2 - Heart of the Middle Path Retreat

    • Session 3 - Heart of the Middle Path Retreat

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    Module 3 - Fire

    • Fire Workbook

    • Week 26 ~ Tending to the sacred FIRE

    • Week 26 - Fire element and Elemental Meditation Session 2

    • Week 27 ~ Equinox and Bhakti

    • Week 27 - The Ultimate Surrender - Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor

    • Week 27 - Bhakti Yoga

    • Week 27 - A Storm of Songs ~ Bhakti Yoga

    • Week 27 - Bhakti in Hindu Cultures - Frazier

    • Week 27 session 2 ~ AUM

    • Week 28 - Music as Medicine - Silvia Nakkach & Valerie Carpenter

    • Week 28 ~ Bhakti in modern times with Harshada

    • Week 28 ~ Japa Meditation

    • Yoga Anatomy - Breath - Session 7 with Cam

    • Week 29 ~ Trauma Informed Yoga with Lisa Danylchuck

    • Week 29 Practice with Jo

    • Week 30 Ayurveda with Marc Holzman

    • Week 30 Session 1 ~ Practice with Stu

    • Week 30 session 2 ~ Hanuman

    • Week 31 Practice with Stu and Posture lab ~ Triangle and Half moon

    • Week 31 Big Dharma, little dharma

    • week 31 ~ Session 2 Trimurti

    • Week 32 ~ Karma and Practice with Jo

    • Week 32 ~ Tridevi

    • Week 33 Practice wit Jo Shiva Shakti

    • Week 33 ~ Session 2 ~ Vigyana Bhairava Tantra

    • Week 34 ~ Tantra and Neti Neti with Stu

    • Week 34 Session 2 Who Am I?

    • Anatomy and Physiology Session 8

    • Week 35 Sanskrit Session 3

    • Week 35 Practice with Stu

    • Week 35 Session 2 ~ Free Your Voice!

    • Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff

    • Week 36 Practice with Jo

    • Metta ~ Loving Kindness Cultivation

    • Week 37 ~ Check in and Practice with Stu

    • Week 37 ~ Tonglen

    • Week 38 - Seva and Practice with Jo

    • Sequencing

    • Thematic Sequencing

    • One-on-one with Jo

    • One-on-one with Stu

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    Metamorphosis Online Retreat Immersion - Dwellingup

    • Metamorphosis Dharma Talk 1

    • Metamorphosis Dharma Talk 2

    • Metamorphosis Jo's Class

    • Metamorphosis Spinal Flow with Cam Watkins

    • Metamorphosis Stu's 1st Class

    • Metamorphosis Stu's Meditation Class

    • Metamorphosis Stu's Closing Class

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    Module 4 - Air

    • Air Workbook

    • Air ~ Solstice ~ Practice with Jo

    • Week 40 Teaching Pranayama

    • Week 41 Pranayama Vayus

    • Week 41 Types of Pranayama

    • Week 42 Muladhara Chakra

    • Week 42 Deeper dive into the Subtle Body

    • Week 43 - Svadhistana Chakra

    • Week 43 Session 2 Set and Setting

    • Week 44 - Manipura Chakra

    • Week 44 - opening and closing

    • Week 45 Anahata Chakra

    • Ceremony - Cleansing and purification

    • Anatomy and Physiology - Ankles (take 2)

    • Vishuddha Chakra

    • Teaching beginners

    • Ajna Chakra

    • Yoga Anatomy and Physiology - Wrists

    • Incorporating Music

    • Sahasrara chakra

    • sanskrit4

    • Teaching a multi level class

    • Enlightenment

    • Business of yoga

    • Die Before You Die

    • Corpse Pose

    • Posture lab - ankles and wrists

    • Questions and practice with Jo

    • Questions

    • Wrap up Session 1

    • Wrap Up Session 2

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    • Equinox and TT Group Class Candice, Carly and Clare

    • Wrap up Anatomy and Polyvagal theory

    • TT Group Teach Megan, Maggi and Lauren

    • TT Group Teach Cindy & Jenn

    • TT Group Teach Sarah, Grace and Laura

    • YTT Certification - In order to receive your 500hr YTT Certification, we need to ascertain how many hours you have put into the course.

    • TT Teach Matt

    • TT Teach Kalinda

    • TT Teach Samantha

    • TT Teach Jen C

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    Online Retreat Immersion

    • Integration Retreat Session 1

    • Integration Retreat Session 2

    • Integration Retreat Session 3


Anatomy Instructor

Cam Watkins

Cam is a Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist, and the co-founder of Darch Physio. Cam is currently the Head Physiotherapist for the West Coast Fever as well as the Fever Academy. He is also the head physiotherapist for the West Coast Warriors State League netball team. Cam is a passionate physiotherapist with a holistic approach. He has a background in a variety of forms of exercise including yoga and pilates and enjoys incorporating these as part of a complete exercise rehabilitation program along with skilled manual therapy to achieve great results with his patients. Cam has a great interest in helping people overcome long-standing painful conditions including chronic shoulder and lower back pain as well difficult tendon issues such as Achilles and patella tendinopathies.