The sisterhood of the moon is calling

Join the online self-paced Women’s Moon Circle with lectures and practices.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Our Creative and Intuitive Mirror

    • As Above, So Below

    • Masculine Moon Gods

    • Moon Mapping

    • Moon Map

    • Moon Phases

    • Sacred Space

  • 2

    New Moon

    • Rebirthing with Intention

    • Dūrgā ~ Goddess of Transformation

    • New Moon Meditation

    • New Moon Practice

    • New Moon live call recording

  • 3

    Waxing Moon

    • Building with Creativity

    • Sarasvatī ~ Goddess of Creativity

    • Waxing Moon Meditation

    • Waxing Moon Practice

    • Waxing Moon Recording

  • 4

    Full Moon

    • Laksmī ~ Goddess of Abundance

    • Illumination and Gratitude

    • Full Moon Meditation

    • Full Moon Practice

    • full moon recording

  • 5

    Waning Moon

    • Let Go and Turn Within

    • Kãlī ~ Goddess of Destruction

    • Waning Moon Meditation

    • Waning Moon Practice

    • Waning moon call recording dec 16

  • 6

    Moon Phase Yoga Charts

    • Moon Phase Yoga Charts

Begin your journey now